Students who are currently engaged in Higher Education, at another institution, can apply for admission to the British University of Bahrain.
Transfer students must submit a BUB Application Form with supporting documentation, details of which can be found below.
Students interested in transferring to BUB must also submit the following:
1 – Official transcripts from all your previously attended Universities or Colleges.
2 – Programme Specification and module descriptors, in English, for all the completed modules and at all of your previously attended institutions.
A transfer applicant must meet the following conditions:
1 – A transfer student must be in good academic standing from the transferring institution.
(i.e. Not on probation, suspended or dismissed)
2 – A transfer student must be transferring from a recognised Higher Education institution that offers learning experiences equivalent to those offered at the British University of Bahrain.
The official evaluation of Accreditation of Prior Learning-APL is completed by academic experts at the University of Salford in the UK. As the process can be time consuming, please be aware that a delay is likely between submitting your application for APL and receiving an offer.
Following the evaluation of prior study, all transfer applicants will be offered:
1 – Entry with Advanced Standing – This relates to the application of a block of credit equivalent to a complete level of study.
2 – APL – This is related to specific modules of study.
On completion of all procedures required for student transfer, an applicant with advanced standing or APL is then provided with a statement identifying all the credit which is approved for transfer. Credit will only be awarded for courses that have an equivalency to modules awarded by the University of Salford and show an earned grade of C or higher.
Transfer credits are recorded on the University of Salford transcript but are not used in the calculation of the overall degree classification. University of Salford academic regulations specify that no more than two-thirds of total credits required, to receive a degree award, can be transferred from another institution.
To view our current Tuition Fees and available payment options – Please Click Here
BUB Transfer Scholarships are automatically applied. For more information – Please Click Here
Click Here and complete the British University of Bahrain Online Application Form.
At the end of the online application process you will be auto-directed to a payment page. Submitting the Non-Refundable – BHD50 Application Fee, at this point, will accelerate your application.
As part of the above application process you are required to submit your supporting documentation. Please have the following documents available:
Academic qualifications – Official High School Transcript, A-Level or IB Results-Certificates
IELTS – IELTS Certificate or an Equivalent Qualification Certificate
Please Note – If you have taken the BUB English Language Test we will already have details of your grade
International ID – Copy of the Picture Page of your Passport
Residential ID – Copy of your CPR
Photo ID – A recent photograph | High-Resolution with a White Background
Medical Report – From a Public Health Centre or an Approved Health Institution
Reference Letter – From your Principal | Teacher | Counsellor
For Private Schools Only – Ministry of Education Letter of Equalization
Please Note – If you do not have all of the required documents at this time, you can still apply and we will accept your documents when they become available.
On receipt of your completed application form and the BHD50 Application Fee, BUB will evaluate your application using the stated entry criteria as the threshold for entry. You may be required to attend an interview to discuss your application further.
If your application is successful, BUB will send you an offer of a place on your preferred Bachelor Degree Programme. To accept this offer and secure your place on the course you must complete the form provided and submit the BHD250 Registration Fee.
Please Note – Admission to Bachelor degree courses is highly competitive with limited places on some programmes. Therefore, we recommend that you accept your offer as soon as possible to secure a place on your preferred course.
If you still have any questions about the BUB student transfer process or if you need some general advice:
Please Contact Us | E-Mail | Call +973 17130303 | WhatsApp: +973 38030303
COVID-19 – Due to the current restrictions, we understand that transferring your UK degree is a big decision and this can also be difficult when you cannot discuss this with us in person.
To support you our friendly admissions staff are now available, to chat with you virtually, by video call.
This is a great opportunity for you to connect with us. Click Here to schedule your Live Chat session.