Nic is the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Salford and was previously Vice-Principal at the University of St Andrews, Provost of Dundee University and Vice-Chancellor of Middlesex University. He is Chair of the Quality Council for UK Higher Education, a Commissioner on the International Higher Education Commission, Treasurer and on the Board of both Universities UK and the Academy of Social Sciences and on the board of the QAA. He also chairs the NUS advisory group on tackling antisemitism.
Nic’s academic background is in business and management and his research focused on identity, diversity, change leadership and learning. He has received a Lifetime Achievement Award for research from the British Academy of Management and the Exceptional Service to the Field of Management Worldwide award from the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management.
In addition to numerous journal articles he has published eight books, the latest of which is Impact in Business and Management Research (with R. MacIntosh, K. Mason and J. Bartunek, 2021, Routledge). He has held visiting chairs in leading Business Schools across the UK, Europe and Australia. He established and led a range of multi-institution and multi- nation research projects focussing on EDI and these included the first comprehensive study of race in FTSE100 leadership. For many years he served on the CMI’s Race Equity Board and he has been awarded the EDI medal by the British Academy of Management.
Professor Nic Beech
Vice Chancellor