Here at the British University of Bahrain, our Admissions are ALWAYS Open.
We accept admission to all years and all courses for September enrollment. for September enrollment. We also have a unique second enrollment for Year 1 and HEC Module students, available for January start.
However, you do not have to wait until the month of enrollment, you can submit your BUB Application at ANYTIME of the year and you now have 24/7 Online BUB application access.
To Apply – Please read through the detailed requirements below and when you are ready, you can just click HERE
Alternatively – You can also use the APPLY NOW button, at the top of any BUB Webpage, to submit an Online BUB Application and Create Your Future at the British University.
All of the Bachelor degree courses at the British University of Bahrain are UK degree courses, awarded by the University of Salford-Manchester. All of our courses are Approved by the Higher Education Council-HEC in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
For easy UK University transfers, the BUB Foundation Year Certificate also has full approval from UK ENIC. Therefore, on successful completion of our Foundation Certificate, you will be accepted for direct entry to Year 2, by any UK University.
To be considered for entry to BUB, all applicants must have completed a High School education of 12 or 13 years of schooling, depending on the individual education provider. The application of each student is individually evaluated, by the BUB Admissions Team, based upon the information provided on your application form and your academic achievements. Our Admissions Team may also contact the University of Salford-Manchester (our UK partner University) for approval, in specific circumstances, for individual study equalisation or International University credit transfer.
Application to the British University of Bahrain, to complete a UK Bachelor degree course here in Bahrain, is a unique and exclusive opportunity.
We receive an increased amount of early applications every year and class numbers can sometimes be restricted, for the most popular UK Degree programmes.
Therefore, we recommend that you submit your BUB application as soon as possible, to reserve your place at BUB and secure your first choice of UK Bachelor Degree course.
You will be required to support your application by providing identity documentation, evidence of your previously completed school study, specific education documents and for Private Education documents, a Ministry of Education (MOE) Equalisation Letter.
Evidence of prior education is required, to complete the BUB Admissions process. Original documents and/or certificates are required and must be submitted before the start of teaching, to complete the BUB and UK Dual-Registration process.
High School Graduation Diploma
(minimum 75% average, over the last three years of high school – Grade 10, 11 and 12)
English Language Proficiency | IELTS or Equivalent Certificate
(5.5 overall minimum IELTS Academic Test Score, with a minimum of 5.0 in each module)
High School Graduation Diploma
(minimum 75% average, over the last three years of high school – Grade 10, 11 and 12)
Level 3/Year 1 and Above Certificate/s | Equal to or Exceeding the Course Entry Requirement
(check the ‘Requirements’ tab, on your chosen course, from the BUB UK Degree Course list)
English Language Proficiency | IELTS or Equivalent Certificate
(6.0 overall minimum IELTS Academic Test Score, with a minimum of 5.5 in each module)
Please Note – Some of our UK Bachelor Degree Courses Require a Higher Level of Mathematics and/or a Mathematics Based Science or Previous Art/Design Education.
(see the ‘Requirements’ tab, on the list of our currently available BUB UK Degree Courses)
The following scan, picture or screenshot evidence, of the official document, is required to complete the BUB Admissions process:
1 – Official High School Transcripts | Years 9, 10, 11 and 12
2 – Official High School Graduation Certificate
3 – IELTS or Equivalent Certificate | Equal to or Exceeding the Year of Entry Requirement
4 – Current Passport ID Page
5 – CPR or National ID | Front and Back
6 – Applicant (Recent) Photograph | with a White Background
In Addition – For Year 2 and above Applications:
Level 3/Year 1 and Above Certificate/s | Equal to or Exceeding the Year of Entry Requirement
The following original documents must be submitted, in person, to complete the BUB and UK Registration process:
1 – Official High School Transcripts | Year 9/10/11/12 (with MOE Stamp for Private Schools)
2 – Official High School Graduation Certificate (with MOE Stamp for Private Schools)
3 – IELTS or Equivalent Certificate | Equal to or Exceeding the Year of Entry Requirements
4 – Applicant (Recent) Photograph | High-Resolution with a White Background
5 – Ministry of Education Equalisation Letter | Private Schools Only
In Addition – For Year 2 and above Applications:
Level 3/Year 1 and Above Certificate/s | Equal to or Exceeding the Year of Entry Requirements (with MOE Stamp for Private Schools)
Please Note – If you do not currently have all of the above mentioned documents, do not worry, you CAN still apply. Final year predicted grades are accepted and any outstanding documentation can be submitted later, once received from your education provider.
The British University of Bahrain still offers entry to any applicants that do not fully meet the minimum entry requirements for English Language proficiency. Students now have the opportunity to complete the BUB Foundation Certificate with Intensive English.
Completing our one year programme will enhance and improve your English language skills.
On successful completion of our UK ENIC Approved Foundation Certificate, you will have attained an English Language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0. You are then eligible to progress to your preferred Bachelors degree course with Advanced Standing | Year 2 entry. Alternatively, if you are interested in transferring your studies to the UK, you will also be eligible for direct entry to most UK Bachelor Degree courses at any UK University.
High School Graduation Diploma
(minimum 75% average, over the last three years of high school – Grade 10, 11 and 12)
English Language Proficiency | IELTS or Equivalent Certificate
(4.5 IELTS Academic Test Score in ‘Writing’ and a minimum of 4.0 in the remaining modules)
If you have previously followed a curriculum mentioned below and you have completed 13 years of schooling, you may be eligible for Year 2 ‘Direct Entry’ with advanced standing.
Please Note – Some of our UK bachelor degree courses require a higher level of mathematics and/or a mathematics based science or previous art/design education. Any applicants that do not already have the required level of Mathematics will be invited to undertake a Mathematics based entrance test, prior to commencing their studies at BUB.
A-Level – Typically a minimum of 3 ALevel subjects are required, meeting or exceeding the minimum UCAS points requirement, for each individual UK Degree course available at BUB.
(see the ‘Requirements’ tab, on the list of our currently available BUB UK Degree Courses)
Please Note – 3 A2 ALevel Passes are required for Direct Entry. However, AS Level subjects can also be used to calculate the overall UCAS points but only if they are additional to your A2 subjects and they are used in conjunction with a minimum of 2 A2 ALevel passes.
International Baccalaureate Certificate – A successfully completed IB Diploma or IB Career Diploma (in conjunction with a successfully completed BTEC Subsidiary Diploma), meeting or exceeding the minimum IB points requirement, is required for Year 2 direct entry.
(see the ‘Requirements’ tab, on the list of our currently available BUB UK Degree Courses)
Foundation Year or International Foundation Year – A successfully completed Level 3 equivalent University Foundation Year, studied entirely in English, with a minimum of 100 UK Credits (or US equivalent Credit Hours) passed, may also be eligible for Year 2 Direct Entry.
Other Equivalent Qualifications – Please Contact Us for more information and confirmation.
All of the UK Degree courses at the British University of Bahrain are taught and assessed in English. To ensure that you have the opportunity to successfully complete your studies at BUB, a minimum English language proficiency is required. English language proficiency can be demonstrated by successfully completing any of the following tests, providing the minimum specified grade for entry is either met or exceeded:
IELTS Test Certificate
(see the ‘Requirements’ tab, on the list of our currently available BUB UK Degree Courses)
BUB Online English Language Test – Apply NOW
(complete your English Test Online and receive your results within 1 business day)
Other Equivalent English Proficiency Tests | TOFEL, iBT etc.
(Please Contact Us for more information and confirmation)
If you still have questions about submitting an application, the BUB Admissions process or if you just need some general UK education advice:
Please Contact Us | WhatsApp +973 38030303 | Send an E-Mail | Call +973 17130303