British University of Bahrain Launches with inaugural Public Lecture
A highly successful open evening and public lecture was held last week on the 17th July, 2018 at the Crowne Plaza hotel, Manama by the British University of Bahrain.
The public lecture entitled: ‘Digital Transformations: why the internet revolution is a social revolution’ was delivered by BUB’s Vice President, Professor Keith Sharp. In a lively and entertaining lecture, Professor Sharp showed how practically every aspect of our social and economic lives is being transformed by the internet. Whilst many aspects of this revolution have undoubtedly improved the quality of our lives, Professor Sharp warned of some of the dangers, including new internet-based forms of criminal activity and the formation of deviant ‘cyber-communities’ which anonymously promote antisocial or criminal lifestyles and activities.
Following the Vice President’s lecture, the audience heard about BUB’s undergraduate courses, all from the University of Salford, in Engineering and the Built Environment, Information & Communications Technology and Business from Professor Julie Cross, Dean of the College of Engineering and the Built Environment.
Professor Cross also explained BUB’s scholarship scheme which seeks to reward the most able students with generous fee reductions. BUB’s strong commitment to work closely with industry will ensure that the student experience is as relevant as possible to the world of work. BUB’s admissions are now open for an October 2018 start.
For further information, please contact Khurram Salman, Recruitment and Outreach Officer on 0097333334602
To view event pictures, click here