BA (Hons) Interior Design


BA (Hons) Interior Design


Think about how you feel, when you engage with a public space, your work or home environment. From a City Centre restaurant, retail business premises, your local School or your own home, interior designers use their specialist skills to shape how we all interact with our surroundings. On this course, you will acquire the necessary skills to think like an interior designer. So, if you would like to use your creativity and technical know-how to transform spaces into areas that people love spending time in, apply now and study interior design at the British University of Bahrain.

The interior design degree course will give you the opportunity to explore all aspects of the design process, from planning through to construction. You will be taught by specialist tutors and benefit from the input of expert design professionals, through guest lectures.
This design course is highly project focused and you will gain hands-on practical skills, through live industry interaction. You will also have seminar lectures in which you will explore and discuss a range of ideas and concepts.

In the later years of our UK Interior Design course, you will shape your studies around the areas that particularly interest you, preparing yourself to be industry ready for your chosen career. You will also benefit from a range of industry placement opportunities and live-brief projects, which will enable you to work on real world situations and experience the cutting edge of design practice.

You will:
• Be able to specialise in the areas of interior design that particularly interest you.
• Learn from industry trained tutors who have led successful careers in Interior Design and Architecture.
• Engage in real world projects, live briefs and actual industry placements.
• Work towards creating a high quality portfolio of work that can be shared with future employers when you begin to pursue your own career.

From commercial building interiors to temporary structures, such as exhibitions, movie and TV sets, this UK Interior Design Bachelors Degree course will give you a broad understanding of how to transform spaces using both artistic talent and logic.
You will study a combination of studio-based design modules and academic modules. These individual study modules will shape your practical and theoretical understanding of interior design.

During the studio-based modules you will be surrounded by your student colleagues and experienced design professionals. You will all work together, in a creative studio environment, to plan and bring your design ideas to life. To compliment your creativity, the academic modules, lectures and seminars will give you the opportunity to absorb and consider the theory behind personal and commercial interior design.

• Year 2 – In your second Year at BUB, your BA in Interior Design continues with a course of projects designed to stimulate your creativity and develop your design thinking. You will become comfortable with spatial awareness, the practical materials and structures required to turn your vision into a reality. In addition to your own design projects, you will also have the opportunity to gain experience in design based computing. This will extend your awareness of visual communication and workshop practice, along with developing an understanding of cultural and theoretical design related studies.

• Year 3 – In addition to design you will also focus on employability and technical knowledge. Your practical skills will be developed through further design projects and you will also have the opportunity to undertake an industry placement to get real-world interior design experience. This will be a unique chance to work with an external interior design business and add highly desirable experience to your CV.

• Year 4 – The final year is all about your own personal interests and your career aspirations in the field of Interior Design. Whichever direction you want to take your career in, you can focus your final project to reflect that direction. This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your new skills and put all of your learning into practice.

  • PROGRAMME Undergraduate Degree
  • DURATION 4 Years
  • LANGUAGE English

YEAR 1 - Foundation Year

The Foundation Year section of this four year degree course has been created to bridge the gap between High School and effective Honours Degree study. The foundation modules focus on the development of key skills, including studying independently and collaboratively, professional and academic writing, critical thinking, and quantitative techniques. A key focus of your first year at BUB is a collaborative project, where you will work together with other students, to develop solutions to real-world issues.

Modules include:
• Critical and Reflective Thinking
• Human Rights
• Arabic for Business (Arabic Speakers) / Critical Reading (Non Arabic Speakers)
• Multi-Disciplinary Project
• Creative Risk Taking
• Digital Media Applications
• The Modern History of Bahrain


• Creating Spaces
• Design Principles and Interventions
• Exploring Design Contexts
• Representation


• Architectural Technology and Sustainable Design
• Developing Design Contexts
• Industry Practice
• Specialist Design Project


• Applied Design Contexts
• Feasibility Report
• Regeneration
• Self-Directed Project

• Statement of Graduation (Secondary School General Certificate).
• High School Diploma with an overall average of 75% over the last three years of high school (Years 10, 11 and 12).
• IELTS Academic Test Score of 5.5 Minimum, with a Minimum of 5.0 in Each Component.

For Direct Entry

6.0 with No Element Below 5.5 (or Equivalent).
A Level:
BBC-112 Points (Including an Art and Design or a Design and Technology subject)
BTEC National Diploma:
DMM (in a Related Discipline)
International Baccalaureate:
31 Points (Including an Art and Design or a Design and Technology subject)

During your studies, you will be based in our new purpose-built design studios, on a dedicated and newly refurbished floor at BUB.
The very latest state-of-the-art equipment is currently being installed and this is where you will develop your skills and interior design knowledge using a blend of theoretical, technological and practical methods.

Our BA (Hons) Interior Design UK Degree course is for you if:
• You want to improve your visual communication skills, such as drawing and 3D computer visualisation.
• You are imaginative and creative and would like to produce innovative new designs.
• You want to learn technical skills and the professional process involved in the interior design industry.

Please Note – All candidates must submit a portfolio.
A letter of verification, confirming the portfolio is your own work, must accompany your portfolio. For example, the letter can use school or college headed paper and be signed by your tutor. For mature students, the letter should be written and signed by someone with industry connection.