BA (Hons) Architecture
Are you looking for a degree and a career, which combines design, creativity and critical thinking..?
Then our UK Architecture Degree Course is exactly what you are looking for.
Architects are highly skilled and valued professionals, working with engineers, construction partners and design companies all over the world. Architects shape our cities and the built environment. They design new buildings, public spaces and as an architect, your work will also inspire the public.
Our four-year BA (Hons) Architecture course is carefully designed to nurture your development and prepare you for a career in architecture.
In partnership with the University of Salford-Manchester, international expert tutors will help you to develop career-essential knowledge and skills. Through our strong industry links and our studio-based learning experience, we will ensure that you study your BA Architecture Degree course in an engaging and inspiring way.
You will:
• Explore spatiality and the relationship between form, space, material and tectonics.
• Study urban scale, history and theory, making regular study visits to sites and developments.
• Develop leadership and management skills, gaining the confidence to contribute your opinions and express your creative ideas.
• Assess a building’s performance and learn how to meet key criteria in your design work and conceptual frameworks.
Delivered full-time over four years, our BA (Hons) Architecture degree illuminates the built environment in an imaginative and collaborative way. Combining planning and pre-design, design, construction, operation and re-construction, the course focuses on nurturing your workplace skills, creative approach and technical knowledge.
With an action-learning culture, you will thrive in our dynamic and collaborative studio learning environment. During your studies, you will experience real-life project briefs and engage with industry professionals. You will sketch ideas, construct models and fill your Instagram feed with some amazing local architecture projects.
• Year 2 – You will focus on architectural spatiality and the relationship between form/space/material/tectonics. Studio-based activity is complemented by sessions that challenge you to form your own ideas.
• Year 3 – During year three, you will look at building performance and explore how to design according to performance criteria and conceptual frameworks.
• Year 4 – In your final year, you will apply all of the theoretical, technical and creative skills you have developed during the course in a final architectural design project to present at our annual degree show. Final year content will also prepare you for the next stage of your architecture education.
Year 1 - Foundation Year
The Foundation Year has been created to bridge the gap between your High School and effective Honours Degree study. The foundation modules focus on the development of key skills, including studying independently and collaboratively, critical thinking, professional and academic writing and quantitative techniques. A key focus of your first year at BUB is a collaborative project, where students will work together to develop solutions to real-world problems.
Modules include:
• Critical Reflection and Thinking
• Human Rights
• Arabic for Business (Arabic Speakers) / Critical Reading (Non Arabic Speakers)
• Multi-Disciplinary Project
• Built Environment and Professional Practice
• Applied Mathematics
• The Modern History of Bahrain
Year 2
• Design Studio 1A
• Design Studio 1B
• Design Representation and Modelling
• History and Theory of Architecture 1
• Construction Technology in Architecture 1:Principles of Architectural Studies
• Construction Technology in Architecture 2:Introduction to Building Services and Systems
Year 3
• Design Studio 2A
• Design Studio 2B:Performance Modelling and Integrated Design
• Construction Technology in Architecture 3
• Principles of Sustainable Built Environment
• History and Theory of Architecture 2
• Professional Project
Year 4
• Design Studio 3A
• Design Studio 3B
• Re-Creating the City:Re-Use and Regeneration
• Practice Management and Law
• Environmental Architectural Technology
• Design Research Project
• Statement of Graduation (Secondary School General Certificate).
• High School Diploma with an overall average of 75% over the last three years of high school (Years 10, 11 and 12).
• IELTS Academic Test Score of 5.5 minimum, with a minimum of 5.0 in each component.
For Direct Entry
6.0 with No Element Below 5.5 (or Equivalent).
A Level:
BBC-ABB (112-128 Points).
BTEC National Diploma:
DMM-DDM in a Related Discipline.
International Baccalaureate:
30-32 Points.
During your studies, you will be based in our purpose-built design studios, on a dedicated and newly refitted floor at BUB.
The latest state-of-the-art equipment is being installed and this is where you will develop your skills and architecture knowledge using a blend of theoretical, collaborative and practical methods.
Our BA (Hons) Architecture UK Degree course is for you if:
• You are fascinated by cities and urban life and to want to help develop and shape our future built environment.
• You are a design-focused solution-seeker, looking to combine highly imaginative creativity with theoretical and technical knowledge.
• You have ambitions to be an architect and want to start your journey towards achieving professional status.
Please Note – All candidates must submit a portfolio.
Letters of verification confirming that the portfolio is your own work must accompany the portfolio. For example, the letter can use school/college headed paper and be signed by your tutor. For mature students, the letter should be written and signed by someone with an industry connection.